Me, Lobke and Amy

A couple of weeks ago, my humans and I went up to Aalsmeer to visit Henk, Nelie and Amy. I was very happy to hear that another Golden female would be staying with Amy for the weekend. I was even more happy when I discovered that the lady in question was Lobke. Those of you with very good memories will recall that I met Lobke almost a year ago.

Here’s Amy, with Lobke on the right. I wonder whether Lobke remembers me?

Amy and Lobke goofing around.

Here’s the three of us together with yours truly in the middle. Check out our smiley faces!

Henk and Nelie had a special treat in store for my humans. They took us to Boerderij Meerzicht, a very traditional Dutch restaurant which serves Pannenkoeken (Dutch Pancakes).

Here we are queuing to go inside. Man, we could really smell those lovely pancakes!

Ta-da! Four different kinds of pannenkoeken. As the Dutch would say “lekker!”(Delicious!)

After the humans were well fed, they took us all for a very nice walk in the Dutch countryside.

We got to run, explore and even swim in the nearby lake. Don’t we look dirty?

Once we were all cleaned-up, we posed for one last picture. Boy, we'd had so much fun!