The Missus’ Contest Winning Photo

Sometime last year, the Missus submitted one of her 'Africa Blog' photos to a local photography competition.

Woo hoo! She managed to get an ‘Honourable Mention’ from the judges. Not only that, her photograph was then included in an exhibition held at Singapore’s Botanical Gardens.

Here’s the exhibition photographs.

Can you guess which one is hers?

It’s the Cheetah Cub! Isn’t it booti-ful?

The Missus was so proud to have her photograph exhibited. She couldn’t wait to have us all ‘in the picture’.

'Curious Cub'
OK Missus, that’s enough of your show-boating on my blog!

Sending all my love to everyone! Woof!


Easter 2013

Wow time really flies. I can’t believe it’s Easter again.

I know what that means – dressing up time. Fortunately, the Missus has been very busy and hasn’t had time to create a new Easter costume. Woohoo! Unfortunately, she just decided to ‘recycle’ one of my previous outfits.

Remember the Easter Bunny from my time in Holland? Well, here is the much more mature Easter Rabbit…

You can see I wasn’t very happy posing in the big floppy ears.

Isn’t Easter finished yet?

Realising that I wasn’t going to get out of this until I gave the Missus one of my winning smiles, I finally decided to play ball.

Ta-da! Here is the happy, smiling Easter Rabbit.

Happy Easter everyone!

All About Mast Cell Tumours

When they first received the bad news that I have Mast Cell Tumour, my humans’ hearts sank. They didn’t know what to do. They have since spent hours trawling the Internet for information and have so far taken me to five different vets looking for the best advice on treatments.

Unfortunately, there are no animal oncologists in Singapore and the opinions given by the general veterinarians have been conflicting. Their advice has pretty much narrowed down to two options:

1. Surgery (you need to cut away 2 to 3 centimetres of skin around each tumour in order to ensure ‘clean’ margins).

2. Chemotherapy (the drugs available in Singapore are 'Palladia' and 'Masivet').

A third option, radiotherapy, is often used in the US and elsewhere. Unfortunately, this treatment is not available here in Singapore.

Surgery is usually recommended as the optimal solution. However, to remove the tumour next to my front left paw pad would require the vet to cut away most of ‘my poor little foot’. As this is not an option that my humans want to consider at present, they have decided to proceed with a course of Palladia. I started taking the tablets last Monday on a low dosage (i.e. 50mg every alternate day). So far I’ve been doing OK, with no side effects at all. The Missus has also been pumping me full of Omega 3, 6 and 9 and has modified my diet to avoid carbohydrates.

My Omegas.

As I said, despite the medicine, I’m feeling just fine and dandy…

Here I am looking smug due to all of the additional love, sympathy and attention I’ve been receiving. I must admit, I’ve been shamelessly milking the affection of my humans! Heheheheh.

Thanks again for all of the wonderful support and kind words you have been leaving on my blog. We all really appreciate it!