Homer the Sailor Dog

Recently, as a special treat, Henk and Nelie took us all out for a boat trip on the lake at Aalsmeer. Here’s some photos from our adventure.

Henk was our captain for the journey. Here he is getting the boat prepared. Can you see the little bucket on board? I was a bit worried when Henk told us that it was for bailing out water if we spring a leak!

Here we all are ready to get started. (Missus was the photographer for the day).

And we’re off! I was so looking forward to my maiden voyage. This was my first time in a boat.

There were lots of booti-ful boats in the marina...

...it was very charming.

I soon found my ‘sea legs’.

What’s that in the water?

Is it the Loch Ness Monster?

Suddenly, something interesting caught my eye. Look! It’s maidens on shore! “Ahoy there!”

Check out these gorgeous girls! They are actually Amy's sisters!

Doesn't she look like Amy?

We said our farewells and continued with the boat trip.

This is me doing my ‘Titanic’ pose.

Eventually, our great voyage came to an end and we had to get back onto dry land. It had been a really fantastic journey and I can’t wait to get back out on the ocean waves.