Homer's Christmas Card Photoshoot 2011

For the last few weeks, I have been trying my best to get the right photo for this year "Homer's Christmas Card". It's been a challenge to get the ideal shot as I always set my standards pretty high. (If you don't believe me, check out some of my previous years' Christmas Card efforts here and here). 

Anyway, here are some of the 'out-takes' I had to discard before settling on the 'winning' one for this year's design.

Missus thought this cape (it's actually the cover for the base of our Christmas tree) might give me a 'festive' appearance. Unfortunately, it just made me look like the Pope...

...my nose is too big in this shot. Everyone can see into my flaring nostrils!

Now this might have been the 'choosen one'. Alas, the darn photographer cut the corner of my head off!

By the time we took this shot, we were all getting tired and frustrated. We were desperate to get the right picture. But, hiding my face in Santa's hat obvoiusly doesn't make the cut...

...While I was having a rest from the photo-shoot, my humans thought it would be amusing to use some of the Christmas tree decorations to produce a 'kinky' shot. Look at my shiny 'crown jewels'. Hmmm... a bit too tacky for a Christmas card though.

After what seemed like a million out-takes, we finally managed to get the right one...

And this is the final result...

...TA - DA! This is it! Me so booti-ful!

Voila! For those of you who haven't yet received the original version (and those of you who Missus (not me) forgot to post one to), this one is especially for you. 

Also, I would like to say a big thank you to those who have sent me a card. They are booti-ful and I love them all! 

Merry Christmas to everyone!