The Constant Gardener

As I mentioned when we first moved into our new home, we have a huge garden for me to play in. Of course, having a big garden involves a lot of work trying to keep things spruce and tidy. Luckily, I’m a fantastic gardener. (Although, I must admit that I get a little help from Missus!)

Let me show you a few pictures of my gardening projects.

Here I am checking out my gladiolas.

And these are my freesias.

In this little patch, I’ve planted more gladiolas. Notice how the tulips are already blooming.

There are a couple of Irises in this pot…

…some lilies in this one...

… and begonias in these pots!

These two fellas are my prized peonies.

Here I have a mixture of basil (in the large pot) and sunflowers.

And this batch includes parsley, tomatoes, chilli, basil and more sunflowers.

As you can see above, I’m trying to grow a wide variety of flowers and herbs. I’ll keep you posted on their progress throughout the Italian summer.

As well as the horticulture, I also wanted to invite some wildlife into my garden. So, I enlisted the help of Missus to help me set-up a bird box.

Here I am supervising Missus’ work. She did a good job for someone who had never handled a screwdriver before!

The finished product - my booti-ful bird box!

Next, we had to find a suitable place to hang it.

Here it is waiting for the new tenants.

As I said earlier, I will keep you all involved with developments in ‘Homer’s Horticultural Heaven’. Ciao for now!