La Mia Bella Casa (My Booti-ful Home)

As I mentioned in one of my previous blogs, ever since we arrived in Italy from Holland we have been living in ‘temporary’ accommodation. Everything has been OK, but I must admit that I have missed the settled life we had with my big garden back in Holland.

Luckily, with the help of Paco, Milo and Maya’s mommy (Grazie millie Simona!), my humans have now found a more ‘permanent’ place for us to stay. It’s in a town called Lodi, which is on the outskirts of Milan.

Let me show you around...

Ta da! This is me in front of my new house.

And here I am in my big front garden.

The garden path.

Here I am taking a rest at the top.

Now down to the barbeque area. (Mmmm...barbeque...I LOVE barbeque!).

This is the back of the house. Man, this place has loads of places to explore.

Just one more part of the garden to show you...

...the drive, which leads back onto the front garden.

Now let me show you inside the house...

This is me admiring my booti-ful portrait in the hallway. “Bello!”

The first flight of stairs...

...and here I am at the top of the second flight.

You may remember, I used to have problems climbing the stairs when we first moved to Holland.

Not any more though. Now, they're easy-peasy... fact, I can even fly up them!

This is me on the balcony outside of the living room.

Can you see me?

As you know from my time in China, I love to watch the world go by. Well this place is just perfect for that.

Finally, here I am in my new bedroom. I even let the humans sleep in here sometimes!

By the way, wishing everyone a Happy Valentine's Day! I love you all!

Ciao for now.