Fun in the Snow

Yippee! A couple of days ago I woke up to find our garden covered with snow.

Homer’s ‘White House’.

Man, I couldn’t wait to get out there!

Finally, Missus let me out into my winter wonderland.

Of course, I’m no stranger to snow now having spent last winter in Holland. Still, I always get a buzz from sniffing around in the white stuff.

I noticed Dad beavering away trying to clear the snow..., I thought I’d try to help out by eating some.

Soon, Dad decided to make a fun game out of his snow-shovelling.

Here it comes...

...Woo hoo!

Unfortunately, the game wasn’t so much fun when the snow landed.


Next it was time for some ball games.

Here I am playing ‘snow tennis’.

Dad was hot on my heels, but I soon gave him the slip.

"Run Homer, RUN!”

Then, we had a go at snow football. Of course, as you know, I’m a bit of a footballing legend .

I was the goalie. I already have some experience in this position .

Here I am, waiting to catch the ball...

...where the heck is it???


What shall we do next Missus?

I know. We’ll make a snowman...

A couple of ‘frosty faces’.

All too soon, it was getting late and time to say good bye to the snow.

Good night ‘Frosty’! Buona notte.