When Homer Met Paco (and Milo and Maya)

As you know, I’ve been blogging for several years now and I’ve made many ‘blogging buddies’ during that time. Unfortunately, all of them (I mean you!) have remained ‘virtual’ friends, confined to the pages of the Internet.

Recently, however, a momentous event occurred. Missus and Dad packed me into a car and we all drove off into the Italian countryside. I had no idea what was in store for me, but what a great surprise I got when we arrived at our destination!

Guess who was there to meet us?

Ta-da! It was none other than Milo and Paco. These are two of my most favourite characters from the blogging world…

... and, of course Maya...

... not to mention their humans, Simona and Marco.

Simona, Paco and Milo were waiting to greet me when I arrived...

... but it was Maya who introduced herself first.

To begin with, we were a bit cautious about getting to know each other. You know how us boys are?

But pretty soon, we were all good pals.

Let me introduce you to my new family of friends:

This is Paco. Missus made the mistake of saying that he looked a bit ‘fat’. Simona insisted that he’s just big boned!

Here’s Milo. Simona really loves him...

... see what I mean?

Even Dad was smitten by Milo!

And this is Maya. She’s always in a crazy pose!

For instance, you’ll often see her chewing sticks, stones or anything she can get her paws on.

Maya took a particular liking to me...

She was always following me.

And trying to get me to play with her.

Here’s Simona with Missus. Aren’t they booti-ful?

And finally, here’s Marco.

Missus thinks he looks like Gary Oldman.

Marco, Simona, Paco, Milo and Maya live in a booti-ful villa with an idyllic setting.

Wow! Look at this amazing view from their home.

Anyway, enough of these formalities. Here’s some photos of us all frolicking around.

“Right, which way should we go?”

Maya and me headed straight for Marco...

... and then Maya headed for Simona...

... and then Maya headed for Dad.

Milo just wanted to be petted by his humans...

... whereas Paco just made funny faces at us.

The four boys altogether...

...and here we are all (minus Missus who’s taking the photo) milling around in the booti-ful setting.

We all had a truly wonderful day and can’t wait for our next get-together .