My 'Bestest' Friend in Holland

Recently, as I was doing some housekeeping on my photograph files, I came across some pictures which I had totally forgotten about (oops!). They relate to a visit by my ‘bestest’ friend Shanni while I was still living in Rotterdam. I had meant to blog about the photos at that time, but, you know how absent-minded I can be?!? Anyway, better late than never…

Shanni had come to help us pack for our move to Italy. “Where the heck is she?”

Shanni’s idea of packing was to play hide and seek. Tsk!

Anyway, I prefer Shanni’s idea of having fun rather than doing chores any day! Here we are lazing around while Missus did all the packing by herself.

Pretty soon, Shanni and I were goofing around in the garden. Here she is trying to make monkey faces… on me!

Now we’re making our best ‘miserable’ faces. I think she won. (Heh! Heh!)

A sloppy kiss for Shanni.

Me and my ‘bestest’ friend.

Here’s Missus and Shanni, before they said their fond farewells. We’re both missing her a lot.