Halloween 2012: And They Turned Into Stone

In my previous post, I mentioned that the Missus was in the midst of preparing my Halloween costume. I also asked readers to make a guess as to what my costume would be for this year’s Halloween. Unfortunately, no one came up with the correct answer (although some of you came very close!). Still, I thank you all for your wonderful contributions!

Anyway, without further ado, for this years’ Halloween, I am going to be…

Medusa, the Gorgon.

Yeah! I am the legendary Golden Gorgon!

And check out my venomous snakes: Mozambique Spitting Cobra, Gaboon Viper, Black Mamba, Puff Adder, Boomslang – all with googly eyes! “Sssssst…”

According to Greek mythology, anyone who looked into the eyes of Medusa instantly turned into stone.

To find out if this story might be true, I decided to take matters into my own paws; I went out to test my ‘Medusa’ prowess.

I was soon walking down the streets of Singapore, searching for unlucky victims. To my delight, I spotted something! It was an ox pulling a cart. As the ox stopped for a drink, I got into position and cast an evil look at the innocent bovine.

To my amazement, it turned into stone! Blimey!

So, the curse of Medusa is true!

Happy with my newfound magic powers, I began to search for more victims. First of all, I came upon a weird looking bird. Without thinking, I went into deep concentration and, within seconds…

…it turned into stone! (But I don’t know why it also got bigger and fatter?!?)

My extraordinary powers were fantastic. Soon, I was turning everything in sight into stone, including hoomans.

These men were having an innocent conversation and, guess what, I turned them into stone!

Next, I stumbled upon a Scribe and he too, with just one look, turned into stone!

This poor lady was simply waving at her friends. Unfortunately, I looked at her and… she turned into stone!

After walking aimlessly for a while, I came across some children playing next to the river. When they saw what was coming, they tried to flee into the river but it was too late…

…they turned into stone!

Despite their best efforts, none of them escaped my clutches.

My powers were such that I was even able to affect historical figures. Here’s poor old Stamford Raffles, one of the founders of Singapore, who died in 1826. Somehow, I managed to turn him into stone! Yikes!

Impressed with my limitless powers, I decided to set the bar higher. This time I would concentrate on  a mythical figure – The Merlion. This strange looking creature, the symbol of Singapore, has the head of a lion and the body of a fish. Man, that sounds scary!

First, I tried my luck on a baby Merlion. It worked like a charm – it turned into stone!

Without hesitation, I went for the mother Merlion and, guess what, she turned into stone too!

Please, my friends, be careful. Don’t look too closely at my photos. You never know, you too might be “turned into stone”!

Happy Halloween!

With love,