Out With The Old and In With The New

Last week, Dad went to England to visit Grandma. He’s now returned home and guess what he brought with him – A NEW BED for Yours Truly! All the way from England! Aroo… rooo… roo!

Although I love my new bed, I couldn’t bear to part with the old one. I got it when I was only about eight months old…

…and it has travelled around the world with me ever since.

I’ve spent countless hours sleeping in it, as well as watching the world go by.

Unfortunately, it has developed a lot of holes over the years. Now, this is something you wouldn’t want to show your girlfriends, right? It’s embarrassing!

Anyway, check out my super-duper new bed. It not only looks fantastic, but it’s comfortable too!

It is made of sturdy ‘memory foam’, which moulds to the contours of my ‘ahem’ svelte body. 

The Missus has laid a quilt on it to add a finishing touch.

Look at my happy face!

It's sooooo comfy...

…Oops! (A little too comfy)

Ahh… bliss! Hopefully, the girls will now be rushing to my (new) bedside. Woo hoo!

Right folks, I’m off to slumberland now. “Night–night, sleep tight, there’ll be no bed bugs biting me tonight!”
