
As I write this, my humans have already placed me with a dog-sitter and I'm surrounded by booti-ful doggy girls. (Hopefully, I'll be able to tell you all about this later). 

The reason I'm not at home, is that my humans are jetting off on holiday again today. They are going to a place called Tanzania which, apparently, is in Africa. You may remember that they have already been there once before, a couple of years ago. (See the Missus' posts here, here, here, here and here).

I can't believe that they are leaving me again so soon. It was only in September last year that they visited the Okavango Delta in Bostwana. [Missus - Sorry I haven't blogged about this already - too many darn pictures!]

Anyway, as my humans were packing last night, I decided to get into the safari mood with them... 

Don't I look like George Adamson or Dereck Joubert?

I hope they have a great time. (But I hope they get back soon and I hope they don't fall in love with any other 'animals' out there. You know how jealous I can be!). 

I'm sure that Missus will sabotage my blog to tell you all about their trip to the Serengeti when she returns.

Bon voyage Missus and Dad.