My Dad's Barkday

Yesterday was a special day - it was my Dad's barkday! Aroo... roo... roo...

I felt so excited, even though it was not my barkday (boo... hoo...).

My first instinct was to wake him up...

...but he's such a ‘lazy bones’!

With a little help from Missus, I had bought him a card...

... which had a cute version of me on it!

As I did not have any money to buy him a new present, I decided to give him the 'floaty balloons' which I had received on my barkday.

"So, what do you think Dad? Do you like them?"

As this was such a special occasion, we celebrated with a feast!

As usual, this was me in the kitchen worshipping the 'Lamb God'!

"Must... Resist... Temptations."

And, finally, here’s my portion!

"Happy Barkday Dad! I woof you with all my heart!"

