I'm SIX!

Today is my BARKDAY! I am six years old! And still a hot looking stud! Arooo... roo... roo...

For my barkday, I got lots of treats and toys!

Can you guess which one is my favourite?

I picked the LION!

If you think I am scared of lions, you're WRONG!

I wrestle lions for fun!

Besides getting treats and toys, I got...


The best part of all - I got a special barkday cake!

Man, it looked yummy!

Before I could have my cake and eat it, I had to pose for the camera.

I sat anxiously waiting to blow out the candle.

"Gimmee...gimmee...GIMMEEE!" Arghhhhhh....

Finally it was time to tuck in! Hooray!


"How did that cream land on my nose?"

Finally, I wolfed down the last bit...

...and licked the remains from my lips. I'm such a messy eater.

All in all I had a wonderful day. Happy Barkday to me... Happy Barkday to me... Arooo...roooooo.