Homer's Guide to Italy (and Hello to Singapore)

Well folks, I'm sad to say that it's now time for me to leave my beloved Italy. I can't help but feeling nostalgic when I think of all the booti-ful places I've visited in my year and half here. There was Rome (twice), Florence (twice), Milan, Verona, Naples, Genoa, Bologna, Pisa, Pompeii, Assisi, Orvieto, Como (twice) and, not forgetting, my home town of Lodi. Of course, I also got to travel to exotic places outside of Italy like Nice, Monaco, Barcelona and Avignon

During my time here, I've tried my paws at so many pastimes like gardening, swimming, hiking and bird watching

But, most importantly of all, it is the booti-ful dogs and the wonderful people which I have met here who have captured my heart. It was Paco, Milo and Maya (plus Simona and Marco) who first made me feel at home in my new country and with whom I had such wonderful times. Then I met up with Lucille, Nicoletta and Mario who have continued to provide fantastic friendship right up to my departure. 

As a tribute to the lovely places I've visited, the wonderful people I've met and the fantastic things I've experienced, here's a little montage (with vaguely appropriate music!) of my time in Italy... 

So, it's arrivederci Italy...

...and Hello (again) Singapore!

I'll tell you all about my journey from Italy to Singapore in my next posting.