Easter 2011

I've never particularly liked Easter. The reason - Missus always takes the opportunity to dress me up in some ridiculous outfit. Don't believe me? Well check out these photos taken over the past couple of years... 

Me dressed up as an Easter bunny in Holland. I wonder if Hugh Hefner would hire me as a 'Playboy' mascot???

And this was taken last year when I was living in Italy. I became a sunflower!

I was kind of relieved that no bees tried to pollinate me!

This year, however, Missus has been extremely busy since our arrival in Singapore. So, she has not had any time to make an Easter outfit for me. ("Phew!" I mean "What a shame"). Anyway, I just wanted to take this opportunity to say a big HAPPY EASTER to all of you. Woof! 

I also wanted to say a big thank you to everyone for all of your well-wishes about my long journey from Milan to Singapore. I had a fantastic flight and I'm well on the way to settling in here. I'll tell you all about the journey in my next posting.

Homer's Guide to Italy (and Hello to Singapore)

Well folks, I'm sad to say that it's now time for me to leave my beloved Italy. I can't help but feeling nostalgic when I think of all the booti-ful places I've visited in my year and half here. There was Rome (twice), Florence (twice), Milan, Verona, Naples, Genoa, Bologna, Pisa, Pompeii, Assisi, Orvieto, Como (twice) and, not forgetting, my home town of Lodi. Of course, I also got to travel to exotic places outside of Italy like Nice, Monaco, Barcelona and Avignon

During my time here, I've tried my paws at so many pastimes like gardening, swimming, hiking and bird watching

But, most importantly of all, it is the booti-ful dogs and the wonderful people which I have met here who have captured my heart. It was Paco, Milo and Maya (plus Simona and Marco) who first made me feel at home in my new country and with whom I had such wonderful times. Then I met up with Lucille, Nicoletta and Mario who have continued to provide fantastic friendship right up to my departure. 

As a tribute to the lovely places I've visited, the wonderful people I've met and the fantastic things I've experienced, here's a little montage (with vaguely appropriate music!) of my time in Italy... 

So, it's arrivederci Italy...

...and Hello (again) Singapore!

I'll tell you all about my journey from Italy to Singapore in my next posting.

Moving to...

In my last blog, I told you about the packing materials which had mysteriously turned-up at our house. 

Well, pretty soon, boxes started appearing everywhere.

Some of them were even filled with my favourite toys!

"Who put these here?"

"If you can't beat 'em...join 'em!" I decided to take matters into my own paws and pack stuff myself .

Now that we're all packed, I suppose I'd better tell you where we are headed...

...are you ready?...

...five years after I last lived there, I'm going back to...


On the Move - But where to?

A few strange things have happened over the past few weeks. First my Grandma turned up out of the blue. Then I got a new, huge, crate. Finally, this morning, some familiar materials arrived... 

...I'm not stupid! I've seen these things before here, and here and here.

Closer inspection confirmed my suspicions.

So Missus, where are we going?

My New White House

In my last blog, I told you about Grandma's unexpected visit to see us. Even more unexpectedly, a few days ago we received a surpise package... 

What's this Missus?

Is it a new swimming pool for yours truly?

I watched eagerly as Dad cut open the wrapping.

Hurry up Dad!

It's got too many holes for a swimming pool.


Two swimming pools?

I watched as Dad and Grandma started to put all of the pieces together...

Now it looks familiar. It's a new (bigger) crate for me!

I'd better check it out.

Look at the difference between my 'old' crate on the left and my new 'White House'.

Of course I love my old home. After all, it has taken me from Singapore to South Korea; South Korea to China; and China to Holland in the past.

But, a man's got to upgrade his house now and again...

Out with the old...in with the new!

Making myself at home!


As I lay there, I couldn't help wondering: "Why have I got a new bigger crate?" Something must be up...

Another Visit from Grandma

Remember last summer when my Grandma visited us in Italy? Well, she recently came back to see us again. Here's a few special pics taken while she was here... 

My booti-ful Grandma during a visit to Como.

Me, Grandma and Dad in front of Lake Como...

...and again in front of Como's Duomo...

...and once more on one of Como's quaint shopping streets.

Finally we took a photo in Como with just me and Missus in the picture!

During another day out, we went across to my favourite swimming spot - at Lake Garda.

Grandma had a grandstand seat to watch my swimming skills...

...and I didn't disappoint her!

While we were at Lake Garda, we met up with our good friends, Lucille, Nicoletta and Mario.

Let me show you a short video of Lucille and me frolicking on the beach...

By the way, Grandma was here especially because my humans are planning something significant. Watch this space for more news...