
Last weekend my humans took me to Keukenhof. This is a very special place in Holland where flowers of every kind are grown. Some say it is the most booti-ful place in the world.

While we were there, Dad took lots of photos of me and Missus. There’s not much action but I think they are very pretty...

Here I am, ready to go and explore all of the flowers. (Actually, I was more interested in exploring the food that this family were eating.)

And we’re off!

We were having a great walk, then Missus decided that we should stop for a few poses.

Me and Missus. You can tell that she really loves me.

Here we are in the shade.

Here we’re ‘pretty in pink’.

Man, there were photo opportunities everywhere.

I soon realised that Missus was in every photo and stealing my limelight. Very subtly, I managed to get her out of the picture...

Ta-da! Just me and the flowers.

The flowers sure were booti-ful...but not as booti-ful as me.

Anyway, that’s enough of me posing. I don’t normally feature anything but me in my blog. However, the flowers at Keukenhof were so booti-ful that I’ll make an exception in this case.

Enjoy the pictures below!