
In a previous posting (long ago) I introduced Mr. Lu and his four beautiful golden retrievers. Recently, Missus and I met up with Mr. Lu and one of his goldies (Lewin) again. We all went to have a play around in Mr. Lu's garden. Here are some of our photos.

This is Lewin. She is five years old.

This is yours truly. I am almost three. (By the way, my birthday is on 30th June if anyone wants to send me a present. Hint! Hint! Hee... hee...)

Don't you think Lewin and I look identical? Can you guess which one is me? (That's right, the good looking one on the left).

This is me taking Lewin out for a drink. Unfortunately, I drank everything because I'd heard that ladies don't drink?

See what I mean, the poor girl didn't get any!

Time for me to go exploring...

Taking a break.

Lewin, striking a pose.

And a close-up of Lewin to finish. Booti-ful!