Love Is...

I had not seen Kira for quite a while, and so Missus suggested that she would bring her over to my place to get re-acquainted. When she got here, I was quite surprised to see that she had… how do I put it gently… put on a little ‘puppy fat’. Of course, this doesn’t stop me from loving her still. As the saying goes ‘love is blind’.

Here are some photos of us messing around at my place.

I didn’t realize quite how much ‘puppy fat’ Kira had added until she got on top of me. Gasp!

She nearly squeezed the life out of me…

Like any true lady, she wasn’t too pleased when I casually mentioned that she might want to lose a pound or two… Ouch!

I soon got the cold shoulder treatment for my indiscreet remark.

No matter how much cajoling and coaxing I tried, I was still in the ‘doghouse’ as far as Kira was concerned.

A typically huffy lady…

“Come on darling Kira, don’t be cross.”

Luckily, Missus saved the day by bringing us some food and diverting Kira’s attention.

Soon, all was forgotten and I was back in Kira’s good books.