One Year Old

A year had quickly passed and soon it was my birthday. I turned one year old. Missus kicked up a big fuss over my birthday. She insisted that Dad get me a nice juicy pork loin and a steak (steak in Korea is extremely expensive). Dad was flabbergasted and the next day he whined to his mates about the 'extravagance' of it all. Nevertheless I had pork and beef loins for my lunch and dinner! Yum!

Missus also baked me a cake which had mince beef filling, yogurt spread and sliced sausages to finish. It looked and tasted delicious to me and Miss Kim. However, you might notice that side of the cake is a bit burnt. What the heck!

My birthday cake. I am one year old!

I told you it tasted yummy!

We enjoyed the cake. I wish everyday is my birthday!