Over the years, my humans have been on many holidays together. In some ways, this has been great for me. They usually leave me with a pet-sitter and I have made some fantastic friends and had some wonderful experiences during these ‘breaks’. However, I’ve often wished that I could actually go on holiday with my humans rather than being left behind.
So, when I heard that my humans were going away again this weekend, I decided to turn on the ‘charm-offensive’. Imagine my delight when they actually agreed to take me with them. I couldn’t believe it. Although I’ve flown to different countries around the world, this will be MY FIRST EVER PROPER HOLIDAY! I’m soooooo excited!
Apparently we’re going to…Amsterdam. Unfortunately, I don’t know where Amsterdam is. (Has it got a beach?!?).
As I’ve never been on holiday before, I’m also not sure how/what I’m supposed to take with me. Here’s some pictures of me packing my suitcase. ..
Right, I think that’s everything. (Please let me know if there’s anything I’ve missed.)
Right, I’m ready for the off. I’ll let you know how my holiday went when I get back.