It’s Christmas day everybody! I’ve had a great day and I just wanted to share some of my festive photos with you.
I’ve received a few more cards since I last blogged (Thanks again!) Here’s the final display above the fireplace. On the bottom are my humans’ cards. (Tsk! Pathetic!)

Whilst preparing the Christmas lunch, we came across some weird looking vegetables. Look at this carrot!

Look at the booti-ful turkey which Missus cooked for us.

Man, I couldn’t wait to get my fangs into that bird. Droooooool... I spent the whole morning in the kitchen worshipping the ‘Turkey God’.

Here’s a snap of our Christmas lunch. It was booti-ful...

... and here’s my helping. (It doesn’t look much, but I had four servings!)

After lunch, we opened our presents. Here’s a photo of me with all of the gifts under the Christmas tree.

I got Dad a new hat. I should have known that Missus would make me wear it for a photo–opportunity.

Look at all my presents. They were great and I was so happy!

I even got some special doggy Christmas bonbons.
Merry Christmas everybody. Lots of love and waggy tails from Homer!